Frequently Asked Questions
We are often contacted by consumers or third parties who have questions about debt balances, automobile liens and other issues. Please read on to learn how to handle these situations.
Who do I contact about a lien on my car?
Gerard Services employs a law firms to handle all lien related questions. If your lien is in Florida, contact Hiday & Ricke, PA, 4100 Southpoint Drive East, Suite 3, Jacksonville, FL 32216. You can email them at lien@hidayricke.com for assistance, or call 904-363-2769.
Who do I contact about paying off or settling my debt?
If you are in Florida, you should contact the law firm, Hiday & Ricke, PA at (904) 363-2769 or by email at debtor@hidayricke.com. If you are in Georgia, you should email splapp@gerardservices.com and you will be directed to the appropriate law firm.
I am a third party that needs to talk with someone about a Florida or Georgia judgment that is in your name. Who is the best person to contact?
Florida - email: firm@hidayricke.com.
Georgia - email: splapp@gerardservices.com